
2022-05-14 12:46:40 By : Mr. Ryan Hu

The AFR Boss Best Places to Work awards recognise organisations that are pioneering new ways of working and pushing the boundaries when it comes to workplace policies and practices.

In 2022, the list of best places has been split into 10 industry-specific categories.

These are some of the best places to work in the Government, Education and Not-for-Profit category.

Elevation Secondary College in the outskirts of Melbourne opened its doors in 2020, just as the world began to shut down in response to COVID. Their first two years of operation coincided with six periods of remote learning in Victoria.

Teachers were on the frontline during the pandemic. Whether it was online or in person, teachers were constantly having to pivot to provide vital learning and support to students. The significance of the shift to remote learning was not lost on Colin Burke, foundation Principal of Elevation Secondary College.

The leadership team at Elevation Secondary College managed the learning challenges posed by the pandemic by creating flexibility for teachers.  

“At the beginning of the pandemic, we quickly scanned the available research and evidence which clearly showed that moving a six-hour face-to-face timetable over to a digital format did not support wellbeing or student learning outcomes,” Burke said.

Connections to schools overseas who had already moved to online learning backed this up with examples of students becoming overwhelmed and disengaged with this model and not attending classes.

“We also were acutely aware of the uncertainty that online learning provided for our staff – many of whom had significant family and caring responsibilities to undertake, while also teaching classes,” Burke said.

“As such we created an asynchronous timetable with less online classes and more ability for students to complete work individually,” Burke said.

Elevation’s tailored timetable for online learning included increased lesson length and reduced frequency to allow students and teachers more breaks and study time and ultimately more flexibility for teachers. Teachers were also empowered to schedule weekly ‘MePD’ flex time where they could block out part of their day to be completely offline.

“This provided certainty for our staff of times when they had to be available and flexibility to undertake the rest of their work and family responsibilities,” Burke said.

Teachers were already under pressure before the pandemic. Long hours, poor work-life balance and increased demands have led to a steady exodus of teachers from the profession. This has been exacerbated in recent years. Morale is low across the board, but not so at Elevation Secondary.

“With the implementation of the Remote Learning Program, teachers ranked the school significantly above the state in all measures on the Education Department’s staff opinion survey,” Burke said.

Providing the right framework for teachers and staff has led to positive outcomes for the whole school.

“Staff also used the increased flexibility to collaborate and create excellent lessons – creating a positive feedback loop for attendance and engagement. Our student attendance in online classes and work submission remained significantly higher than the norm for the duration of remote learning,” Burke said.

Elevation Secondary College’s results are an outlier in a profession beset by challenges. Research from the NSW Teachers Federation in 2020 suggests that fewer than 60 per cent of people that undertake a degree in teaching go through to completion.

According to the NSW education department there were around 1,100 unfilled roles in NSW secondary and special education. More needs to be done to attract teachers back into the profession. Culture is part of the solution.

“We work hard to provide a workplace that allows people to work both collegiately and on their own, a place that allows people to build on their skills and develop mastery, a place that allows people significant autonomy, and a place where we don’t shy away from confronting issues,” Burke finished.

A distributed working model combining remote and face-to-face works well for Far North District Council staff. 

2 Far North District Council | 420 employees

The Far North District Council in New Zealand launched their Creating and Enabling Great Workplaces initiative to establish a distributed working model with hybrid remote and office-based working.

This was in response to a pulse survey taken after New Zealand’s first COVID lockdown which revealed that people were feeling more productive and were enjoying the additional flexibility.

After a collaborative and consultative design process, 84 per cent of staff opted to accept a permanent hybrid or remote working arrangement. The initiative has already seen great results with 54 per cent of staff reporting that the new arrangement had improved their wellbeing.

There were increases in productivity and customer satisfaction results, as well as a reduction of 46 per cent in travel a year – the equivalent of a million kilometres.

KidsCo staff are encouraged to set a personal growth goal. 

KidsCo is an award-winning and innovative education provider based out of Melbourne. The two founders believe in ‘always better’ and this applies to their people as much as it does to the work they do.

KidsCo encouraged employees to set a personal growth goal – one thing they personally wanted to achieve in a six-month period which would better them. An agile board was created and progress was discussed as part of the regular stand-ups.

Any person who achieved their goal at the end of the six-month period was awarded a $1000 bonus. Seventy per cent of employees were successful in meeting their goal with one person learning French, one completing a marathon, one quitting social media and two quit smoking.

“If you are feeling good about yourself and bettering yourself you bring your best self to work,” Adrian Rokman, one of the founders and Managing Director of KidsCo said.

Sustainability Victoria has renewed its focus on wellbeing.  

Sustainability Victoria launched Wellbeing Month in October 2021 to refocus on wellbeing after a period of change. Each week in October was given a theme and resources, information, videos and articles were provided.

Meetings were also kicked off with a ‘wellbeing check’ and employees were provided with two wellbeing days to focus on their personal wellbeing. The initiative resulted in a 9% improvement on employee’s perception of how the organisation supports people with stress management.

Matt Genever, Interim CEO of Sustainability Victoria said feedback is important and their people are fantastic at sharing what’s working and what isn’t. Many of the learnings and practices from Wellbeing Month are already embedded in the organisation – for example, ‘meeting free times’ over the lunch hour during lockdown or the ‘Find your Flex’ hybrid working policy and hybrid working guide.

Royal Far West staff have helped the organisation articulate its shared values. 

Royal Far West has undergone a process of growth and transformation over the last decade and the next stage will require the whole team to lift the organisation to new levels.

To engage staff and other stakeholders, Royal Far West hosted100 employees at the Discover & Dream Summit to uncover what it is that makes them unique now, and how this aligns with their vision for the future.

“From our department heads and healthcare teams, through to our office and support staff – everyone had an opportunity to contribute,” Jacqueline Emery, CEO of Royal Far West said.

The large group facilitation process, known as an appreciative inquiry, used positive and social psychology principles to guide a broad cross-section of employees to ideate and articulate their shared values and preferred futures. This resulted in a refreshed set of values which have been embedded into the five-year strategic plan.

GS1 virtual room creates memorable experiences. 

GS1 Australia is the leading provider of standards and solutions for over 20 industry sectors. With the organisation working remotely during COVID, the GS1 leveraged Zoom to create interactive and memorable virtual events to maintain their culture.

Utilising ‘game shows’, podcasts and storytelling and team activities like fitness classes and celebrations, has allowed GS1 to create memorable experiences virtually.

Maria Palazzolo, Executive Director and CEO of GS1 said the virtual events generated a lot of much needed fun and banter to help during the bleak times.

“A key area of focus will be to ensure the way we run the events continue to deliver the right impact, now that we are working in a fully hybrid model with staff constantly in and out of the office. Working onsite needs to be meaningful and connecting virtually needs to feel inclusive,” Palazzolo said.

AUSTRAC implemented their hybrid work model after they identified opportunities for improvement post-lockdown.

After engaging with employees and piloting the model at a single site, the hybrid model has been rolled out across the organisation. “AUSTRAC has a highly technical, professional and nationally-dispersed workforce – our people are our greatest asset. Our working arrangements have allowed us to strengthen our flexibility, productivity and resilience across the agency, whilst attracting and retaining the best talent in a competitive market,” Chris Collett, COO of AUSTRAC said.

Since implementation, AUSTRAC has seen staff engagement increase from 79 per cent in 2019 to 81 per cent in 2021 – which is 8 per cent above the sector average. AUSTRAC’s Net Promoter Score has also increased from 4 to 40.

Baptcare launched BaptBelong to support holistic employee wellbeing across mind, body, spirit and place for its 3000 employees and 300 volunteers. The initiative included: ways of working workshops, a Community Wellbeing Hub providing physical, emotional, social, financial and career resources, regular check-ins with front-line employees and ‘car park visits’ to employees working in aged care facilities.

The various online opportunities for people to come together and ‘socialise’, with or without a meeting agenda, were just as important as formal meetings and catch ups.

This initiative allowed Baptcare to maintain their safety culture above the global benchmark while also keeping their Injury Severity Frequency Rate significantly below the Worksafe benchmark.

Terrain NRM staff work hard to build connections between people from different teams. 

Environment management organisation Terrain NRM’s Well Connected initiative rolled out Neuropower’s RELISH framework – focusing on meeting six cognitive needs that all people need in order to perform to their potential. Staff members undertook the training in small cross-team cluster groups to build connections between people from different teams and locations to reduce silos and increase inter-connectedness and productivity.

Stewart Christie, CEO of Terrain NRM said that the RELISH framework is much more than a leadership program, and many staff who did the course were surprised at how much they learned about themselves

Ninety-six per cent of people scored their happiness and satisfaction as 7 or more out of 10, compared to 92 per cent before the program started. The score for ‘professional development and learning’ also improved from 7.24 to 8.01 out of 10.

10 BaptistCare NSW & ACT | 3600 employees

BaptistCare launched a wellbeing program, Flourish, in response to a pulse survey taken a few months into the pandemic. Thirty-six per cent of staff said that their well-being was not high and a significant number indicated they were struggling.

Charles Moore, CEO of Baptist Care. 

The Flourish program provided staff, volunteers, and their families, with greater access to counselling and support services and introduced additional assistance in lifestyle, career, financial and legal support.

“In its first year, engagement with our Flourish program was 250% greater than our previous wellbeing program,” Charles Moore, CEO of BaptistCare said.

BaptistCare also employed 150 employees above standard rostering requirements on a fixed-term basis during the height of COVID. The majority of these recruits were new to the aged care industry and 71 per cent have joined normal roster lines.

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