Hooray! Your horoscope for the month of July is here!

2022-07-02 00:51:17 By : Ms. Ellen Zhao

Our Body+Soul astrologer helps you see what the stars have in store for you this month.

Your monthly horoscope has arrived. Image: iStockSource:BodyAndSoul

Resident astrologer Kristy Gray shares a monthly horoscope for every star sign, for July 2022. What have the stars written for you?

When was the last time you took a step back Aries and looked at the bigger picture? This month is about zooming out and viewing life through a wide lens before you zoom in and get granular. This process will help you to visualise what you want and then you can initiate building a strong foundation to help you go after it! It’s so easy for you to jump right in on a project you’re excited about, but how you expend your energy is in the spotlight. Prioritise directing your energy towards healthy outlets including how you approach work/life balance. Your ruler, Mars, will be moving into the zodiac sign of Taurus on 5 July 2022, so patience will be key this month.Avoid letting frustration run the show and instead, ask yourself “what areas of my life am I willing to compromise on?” When you’re embodying carefree confidence, you inspire others to do the same.

What big decisions have you been making lately Taurus? As the month begins, any decisions you make (or have been in the process of making) are bound to be significant. Let’s be real, change can evoke feelings and as excited as you might be there could also be a part of this that scares you. This is the perfect month to reflect and pinpoint “What am I leaving behind?” and “What’s coming with me?” This will help you identify what you need to let go of, but you’ll also realise everything you have to gain. It’s important you don’t get stuck in rigid routines this month. If something isn’t working, change it! Your ruler, Venus, will split her time between the zodiac signs of Gemini and Cancer this month, so if you use the first half of this month to flex your social butterfly skills, by 18 July 2022 you’ll be able to shift gears and enjoy life's simple pleasures.

You’ve been living life in the spotlight lately Gemini and no doubt you’ve been loving the pace life has to offer. As the month begins, the energy of the Cancer New Moon is lingering from 29 June 2022, this means it’s important you take some time out to plan. Brian Tracey’s concept Eat That Frog will help you banish procrastination so you can live your best life. A journal prompt for you is “What loose ends can you tidy up and what area/s of your life require attention?” Carve out time at the beginning of the month for planning because you’ll have the mental alertness to make traction. By 5 July 2022 your ruler, Mercury, moves into the sign of Cancer. This will help you tap into your imagination, so if you have a project that requires you to flex your intellectual muscle, then it’s your time to shine. By the time the Full Moon arrives on 14 July 2022, seek out a book, podcast or a masterclass that centers around self-improvement for a motivation hit!

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It’s your birthday Cancer and so it’s time to celebrate you! This is your time to enjoy the spotlight, even if that doesn’t come naturally. Spend time with your loved ones (or loving on yourself), whilst soaking it all up. Your month begins with the energy still lingering from the Cancer New Moon on 29 June 2022 and as much as it’s your time to enjoy the limelight, it’s important you don’t overstretch yourself. Pluto also forms a tricky aspect during this time and so it’s important you observe before responding. Try to avoid being put on the spot or letting your emotions get the better of you. Seek out sanctuary if you can, as it will help you make sense of things. Then you’ll be ready to respond with a clearer head and (fingers crossed) a better outcome. This theme continues at the Capricorn Full Moon on 14 July 2022. Reflect on “How am I expressing myself?” and “What outlets do I currently have for self-expression?”

It’s almost your time to shine Leo with your Solar Return on the horizon. Before you start planning out all the details for a magnificent birthday bash or adding spectacular items (that no doubt will dazzle) to your wishlist, the planet Saturn wants you to do a quick reality check. Surrender really isn’t your thing, as you prefer to live life full steam ahead but before you do this month, perform an inventory check on your habits. What are you doing that’s positively contributing to your health and happiness? and what needs to change?” It’s important you deal with this first before you put your foot back on the gas. By 19 July 2022, Mercury moves into your sign giving you an extra burst of confidence and life’s pace will pick up. Schedule date nights, catch up with friends, say yes to spontaneous invitations and go out and make your mark on the world!

The month is off to a busy start for you Virgo and there’s likely to be some decisions you need to make. Whatever thoughts you’ve had swimming in the recess of your mind, make sure you take time out to contemplate. It’s important you’re not too busy ‘trying to do it all’, so make space for small incremental changes towards finding your bliss. By implementing anything that positively impacts your health you will have extra energy to do the things you love. Your ruler, Mercury, moves into the watery sign of Cancer from 5 - 19 July 2022, before it teams up with the fiery sign of Leo. This imaginative combo will give you a nudge to start romanticising your life from the inside out. By the time the Full Moon arrives on 14 July 2022, your sector of self-care and home will be illuminated and if you’ve been leaning into the energy prior, it will be no surprise that your everyday rituals will receive a welcomed overhaul.

You’ll be feeling all kinds of flirty as the month begins Libra. Your ruler Venus is in the mutable air sign of Gemini for the first half of the month before it moves into romantic Cancer on 18 July 2022. No matter what's been happening in your life, you’ll feel pulled to let your hair down, socialise and live a little. With this in mind, when you nail a sense of equilibrium, that’s when you’re leaning into the positive expression of your sign. Ask yourself “What gives me a sense of equilibrium in my relations?” and “How can I obtain more of that?” This month also centers around indulgence, which will be music to your ears. The trick is to spend time doing the things that will help you to put your best foot forward. Book a spa day, sneak off for a midday lunchtime massage or purchase that new scented candle you’ve been eyeing, all in the name of self-care!

Have your relationships been weathering the storm lately Scorpio? They’re in the spotlight as the month begins, and some may have proven to be rockier than you anticipated. It takes two to tango and not everything (or everyone) is within your control. Your astrological invitation is to find positive outlets for your emotions. You have an intense need to feel everything in life which at times feels like a blessing and a curse. But your emotions are what make you so magical! When you expend your energy into healthy pursuits; exercise, creativity or spending time in and around water, this in turn helps you make sense of things. The Full Moon in Capricorn on 14 July 2022 is bound to intensify how you feel as it forms a close aspect to your ruler Pluto. Don’t overbook or overextend yourself in and around this time, otherwise things may come to a head that could potentially be avoided. Tune in and listen.

This month's astrological invitation is to channel your inner child and embody being a big kid at heart Sagittarius! Reflect on “What brought you joy as a child?” and “What practices can you completely lose yourself in?” These questions are worth exploring, so you can create space to do more of them. You’ll also need to find balance in the extremes, not just this month but in the months ahead. Your ruler Jupiter doesn’t hit retrograde until 29 July 2022, still residing in the fiery side of Aries. To avoid burning the candle at both ends, look for ways to ignite your inspiration and imagination throughout Cancer season. You love nothing more than fully immersing yourself in everything life has to offer and so it can be hard to hit stop (or embrace stop) when life gets in the way. Your career sector lights up at this month’s Full Moon on 14 July 2022, so nurturing your relationships in this area will be key.

“Can you pay my bills? Can you pay my telephone bills? Do you pay my automo' bills?” is the theme for you this month Capricorn and not in a cute Destiny’s Child moment. Money and how you manage it is in the spotlight. Don’t be alarmed as a responsible sign like you is sure to be across it. Instead, spend some time organising your taxes in preparation for the new financial year. Your Zodiac Sign is in the spotlight at this month’s Capricorn Full Moon on 14 July 2022, shining a light on how you approach the illusive work/life balance. This is the most opportune time to assess energy management and how you expend yours. “What boundaries do you have in place to avoid burnout?” and “In what ways can you achieve success while maintaining your energy?” are questions worth reflecting on for an ever better return on investment!

If you’ve been feeling stuck in a rut lately Aquarius this is the perfect time to turn inwards and ask yourself what it is that you want. You’re craving freedom as the month begins (but when are you not?) and your circumstances could elicit feelings of stagnancy. Rather than focusing on what you don’t have, appreciate what you do. Ask yourself “What have been my big or small victories lately?” and “Are my current goals and dreams align with my values?” If it’s been some time since you’ve contemplated your values, then block out some time for self-inquiry. If all goes to plan, by the second half of the month, not only will you have some newfound clarity, you’ll also be in a position to expect the unexpected. This month’s Full Moon in Capricorn on 14 July 2022 will prompt you to go out and do something fun, and an unexpected encounter might be just what you need!

Listening to your intuition is your greatest inner compass and this month it’s in the spotlight Pisces. Your ruler Neptune started retrograding on 28 June 2022 inviting you to take note of your intuitive hunches and listen to the best path forward for you to take. Don’t be surprised if you feel pulled to work more behind the scenes, slowing down and enjoying the simple pleasures of life. This will be the most opportune time to ignite your imagination and spend time on any projects requiring creative visualisation. It’s not time to ‘launch the book’ into the world, but a time to put pen to paper and write it. If you have any decisions to make this month, try to avoid making them at the Capricorn Full Moon on 14 July 2022. This time could invoke more confusion than clarity, leaving you feeling unsettled. Just wait a day or two and you’ll know what path will be best to take.

Kristy Gray is an Astrologer and Life Strategist who helps people take action on their dreams through self-exploration, self-acceptance and self-efficacy. Through her signature formula, Astrostrategy ™, Kristy combines mystical insights with practical tools to dismantle the uncertainty that’s been holding you back. Ready to get to know yourself on an entirely new level? Your celestial initiation starts here.

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