The Beaverton School District includes 34 elementary schools, nine middle schools, six high schools, five option schools, 19 option programs and two charter schools. We have more than 39,000 students and nearly 4,500 staff members.
The Beaverton School Board has seven elected community members who serve four-year terms. They are volunteers. Though candidates are nominated from the Board Zone they live in, voters in the District elect them at-large. Each Board member has several school assignments that may or may not be in their zone.
Common Sense Media's Apps and Sites Kids Are Using Right Now
SmartSocial's App Guide for Parents and Teachers
Resources for Mental Health & Technology
Steps to manage screentime
National PTA Digital Resources
Technology Agreements can help to set realistic expectations and rules around how your family will engage with technology.
You can use existing agreements from the list below or make your own to suit your family's needs.
American Academy of Pediatrics Family Media Plan
Common Sense Media's Family Media Agreement
Family Online Safety Institute's Device Contracts
BSD retains sole right of ownership of the Chromebook. The Chromebooks are loaned to the students for educational purposes only for a one-year period, renewable each year.
Students should be aware that there should be no expectation of privacy when using BSD network or equipment. When students access the BSD network at school, BSD will actively filter access and use third party solutions to monitor content for threats, violence, illegal activity, etc. Notifications are sent to the BSD Tech Support and Administration regarding suspicious activity. If concerns are identified, disciplinary action and/or parent contact may occur.
It is recommended that students establish a location that they charge their Chromebook each night so it is ready for use the next day. A Chromebook will last through an entire school day without problem on a full charge. Some parents/guardians have chosen to have this in a location outside of the students bedroom to assure it has been plugged in and removes the possibility of late night usage.
The district does not restrict use of the chromebook to any specific time periods due to very different family, work and homework situations. Some parents/guardians have chosen to have the Chromebook plugged in each night outside of the students bedroom when concerned about late night usage.
Teaching Tolerance Digital and Civic LIteracy Skills
common sense media lessons in Seesaw
Beaverton School District Elementary Digital Citizenship Behavioral Learning Target:
Students recognize the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act in ways that are safe, legal, and ethical.
Beaverton School District Secondary Digital Citizenship Behavioral Learning Target:
Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning, and working in an interconnected digital world and they act in ways that are safe, legal, and ethical.
Students have access to many of the Google Apps such as Gmail, Google Docs and Google Drive. The use of their district Google account allows them to collaboratively work on class assignments, communicate with teachers and produce high level projects and research. All written communication is archived as part of the GSuite system.
In addition to using their Google Apps, students are doing research, accessing online textbooks, engineering and accessing their learning management system (SeeSaw or Canvas).
For more information, see the BSD Network and Student Devices page
BSD takes steps to promote the safety and security of users of the BSD online computer network when using electronic mail and other forms of direct electronic communications.
Read more about here about BSD Network and Student Devices
Lightspeed Systems Portal enables parents or guardians to support their child's internet-based learning by monitoring their most recent web browsing activity and temporarily pause their ability to browse the internet.
You can find more information by checking out the following
Beaverton Schools operate subject to federal regulations intended to preserve the safety and privacy of our students: CIPA, COPPA, and FERPA. All BSD policies are intended to comply with or exceed these guidelines.
CIPA is the Children’s Internet Protection Act. It specifies that Beaverton Schools must prevent illegal or unauthorized access to and use of our computers, software, and networks. This includes internet access, e-mail, and any other form of electronic communication. CIPA also requires that we keep personal information secure.
COPPA is the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. Many websites required users to submit their name and email address in order to use that site. COPPA requires any website that collects such information to get permission from a parent/guardian before they allow a child under age 13 to sign up.
In the case of BSD, Google Apps For Education (GAFE) must comply with COPPA -- that’s why we need parent/guardian permission to issue a BSD email address so that our students under age 13 can use gmail.
FERPA is the Federal Education Rights Privacy Act. It grants students and their parent or guardian access to a student’s educational records. It also regulates what student directory information (name, e-mail, DOB, etc) that a school can legally share with third parties.
There is some risk that comes with online activity. BSD manages technology including our Guest Network with a clear intent to protect our students, staff and guests. It is our top priority to protect data, privacy, and people.
Learning to use technology responsibly takes time, effort, and guidance. Beaverton Schools offer age-appropriate curriculum to all students about digital citizenship. We also integrate topics like copyright, privacy, courtesy, and online safety into class work on a regular basis. As technology evolves, we encourage students, teachers, and parents to embrace the learning that’s needed to continue to use technology responsibly.
Students and staff are expected to learn and comply with all BSD regulations and policies concerning the responsible use of technology. Failure to do so can result in loss of that privilege and could also lead to disciplinary or legal action.
This is outlined in detail in the BSD Student Family Handbook and by School Board policies and regulations, particularly IIBGA-AR (Electronic Communications System) and JFCEB-AR (Personal Electronic Devices and Social Media - Students)
BSD Student And Family Handbook | School Board Policy JFCEB-AR
Beaverton School District makes every effort to protect student privacy and the security of electronic data, but there are limits. Any data connected to BSD accounts may be secured and inspected at any time for compliance with school and district policies, and state and federal laws. That means that we reserve the right to inspect BSD e-mail files and any data files associated with BSD accounts.
Gmail, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Drive, YouTube, and Google Slides are just a few of the apps we use every day. While students may have access to their own applications on their personal device, we encourage students to use applications that are similar to the ones used by their classmates. To use the District’s collection of Google Apps, every student is issued a BSD gmail address for email. Students under age 13 MUST have a parental and GAFE consent form signed (See: COPPA) in order to be issued a district gmail address. Parents who do not want their children to use district gmail should contact a teacher or administrator at your school. For more information about Chromebooks, Google Apps, and privacy, please visit:
5 consejos sobre el uso de las apps para padres con niños de preescolar
Consejos para evitar que la tecnología interfiera con el sueño de tus hijos
Cuatro cosas que los padres deben saber sobre la función Tiempo de uso en el iPhone o iPad