Multi-Touch, front lighting, the PocketBook 8-inch reader is not content to arrive with great fanfare with its Touch Lux version;the manufacturer is also working on a content offer.Less known than the Kindle or the Kobo, the PocketBook Touch Lux does exist, we took it in hand at the Book Fair.Advanced version of the PocketBook Touch reader, tested and approved by Les Numériques, it also includes the presence of Frontlight (frontal lighting) which follows the current trend observed on the Amazon Paperwhite, Cybook Odyssey HD Frontlight and Kobo Glo models. from Fnac.As on the other three, the intensity of the light will be adjusted with your finger by touching the frame of the reading light, without going through the menu.Another good point at PocketBook: the open format and the possibility of installing what you want: dictionaries, another reading application, an application for manga, etc.and all this very stable.Moreover, if we are to believe the testimony of a certain fish-expert reader (who will recognize himself), the after-sales service is excellent.For the occasion, the multinational company, based in Hong Kong, has developed a social platform for reading.ReadRate is the name of a system integrated into readers to share quotes, excerpts, "like" books, inform about its projects.At the same time, the user will be able to host his files in the Cloud.If the three e-readers mentioned above have their associated bookstore, to the question "What about the content", Alexandre Shabaev, distributor of Pocketbook in France, answers us that partnerships envisaged with independent bookstores or larger brands are in progress.The solution for small bookstores is to offer PocketBook e-readers in their stores (the order limit for "small bookstores is 30 devices minimum"), whereby the eBooks purchased from the e-reader by the consumer will be sold directly by the bookstore that originally sold the device.Using customized software, the associated bookseller's shop will use a native application.On the Reader, a "Shop eBooks" icon, which requires API support by Obreey, will be accessible directly from the home page.The PocketBook Basic, Touch and Touch Lux will be compatible.The diagram is not of very good quality but it explains the points.In addition, if the reader cannot find his work in the associated bookstore, he can perfectly go wherever he wants.For larger brands, bookstores will have to commit to taking 3,000 copies.This formula, launched in September 2012 in Germany in distribution brands such as Umbrebt or Mediamartre Saturne, a larger brand than Darty in France, seems to be working well.According to the figures given by the general manager Georges Huberty, 2000 to 3000 eBooks are sold there each month.The PocketBook Touch Lux reader will be officially announced in Moscow on April 23, 2013. Marketed in 24 countries, it will be available in France this year, in May.If the price is not yet official, the leaders of PocketBook announce (unofficially) 139 €, the price of the current Touch version.The strategy would thus consist in lowering the price of the Touch and positioning the “Lux” version at 139 €.Read the review: PocketBook Touch LuxHouse journalist.A great coffee lover, she is on the lookout for connected solutions.Just like the sales or Black Friday, the French Days are an opportunity to find the best offers on electronic products...