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What Are Nitrogen Generators Used For?
Control Processes with Intelligent Cameras – No Previous Knowledge Req...
Do you collect your solvents safely, and in line with the latest safety standards? The SCAT exhaust filter 3.0 blocks hazardous solvent vapours, and brings state-of-the-art safety to your lab. Thanks to 3 layers of different active carbons, it protects workers and environment from evaporating solvents, acids and alkalis.
SCAT exhaust filters block off harmful vapours and ensure for safe pressure equalization in the waste containers of HPLC systems. Our core active carbon has been optimised for taking up organic solvent vapours and has been tested, using official ASTM/DIN/ISO test methods.
Especially in order to bind and remove alkaline and acidic gases, there are now two further layers of active carbon in the filters: the first contains a reactive impregnation which converts alkaline gases, by means of „chemisorption“, and then binds them as „fully reacted“ components. The second layer also consists of a highly active carbon, this one having been optimised for binding acidic gaseous components.
The active surface area has been increased by no less than 25%, i.e. from 1,200 m²/g to 1,500 m²/g. As per the ASTM D3467 Norm, the CTC adsorption value achieved by the new active carbon, Generation 3.0, is now 90% (hitherto 70%).
Traditionally-used active carbon (used for many years now), which however is not ideal for filtering out acids and alkalis, as it often only does so insufficiently. Its adsorptional efficiency („CTC value“) is comparitively low, as is its active surface area (600 – 1,200 m²/g).
With their 3 layers, the Generation 3.0 exhaust filters are able to remove more gaseous components produced during HPLC work than any others available on the market. The main advantage for the user is that only a single filter type need be employed, for all applications – even when methodsor solvent compositions used are altered.
The laboratory operator thereby achieves not only the highest possible standard of working safety and environmental protection, but also benefits from predictably high levels of efficiency, and by enjoying the associated cost savings involved – work in the laboratory is thus made „doubly“ safe.
Found in all proteins and living organisms, nitrogen is an essential chemical element. In laboratories, the gas is used for a wide range of applications acro...
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