3D printing news 3D Printers What to Look For When Purchasing an Industrial 3D Printer?
More and more companies are deciding to bet on additive manufacturing technologies, as it has been clear for some years now that it is the future of manufacturing. When we talk about 3D technologies, we are not only referring to prototypes, but also to high-quality final parts. With its adoption, it allows evolution in production and savings in costs and manufacturing times. Despite this, when choosing a machine, there are still doubts about the parameters to be considered in an industrial 3D printer: What should be taken into account? Are the materials important? Today we will give an answer to some of these questions.
There are multiple 3D printing technologies available today, so we will focus on fused material deposition technology. This technology has been mistakenly seen as linked to small machines for everyday use. Thanks to the evolution of this technology and materials, we already think of it as an interesting technology for the industry. But it is necessary to know how to differentiate between an industrial machine and a machine with a large printing volume.
Before making the decision to purchase an industrial 3D printer, it is important to create a list of what tasks are going to be done by the machine and in which part of the production chain it makes the most sense to implement it. Once this is done, you can directly contact the manufacturer of the brand you are interested in. The important thing to take into account is to know the materials with which the machine should be working, if it is able to create quality final parts, and how big the printing volume is. Once we are clear about the quality/price relation of the machine, we can always ask for a sample piece. This will allow us to get a closer look at the printing quality of the machine.
Although each company must take into account different characteristics to achieve the necessary performance, there are certain parameters that are important to take into consideration before choosing one brand or another. Some of the most important ones are the following:
One of the important points is compatibility with high-performance materials (photo credits: 3DGence).
In addition to these parameters, there are details that increase the efficiency of a machine. This includes the integration of a camera, cleaning systems, and automatic roll change, among many others. We know that finding an industrial 3D printer is not an easy task, but if you do it hand in hand with experts in the industry, you will find a machine that allows the increase in production you are looking for.
Para adoptar una impresora 3D industrial recomendamos consultar a un experto en el tema.
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*Cover Photo Credits: 3D Systems
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